
Scottish Names & Most Popular Names!

  Can you recognize a Scottish first name? Perhaps the real question is, would you know how to pronounce a Scottish first  unique baby names  after recognizing it?  If you want to learn more about the history and roots of the most original baby names, or are waiting for a happy event and looking for inspiration - especially if you have Scottish roots - you have come to the right place!   Across Scotland, from Dunnet in the North to Mull of Galloway in the South, Scottish names are widely used and truly reflect the history and heritage of the country.  Nowadays, their use is more and more widespread, in particular thanks to television, films and books.  Many Scottish baby names are becoming popular in the rest of the UK and even across the world. Popular Scottish names Some Scottish names are so common that you might not know their origin.  And then there are the classic Scottish first names, the timeless ones, those which for decades immediately make us think of the kilt and the bagpip